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People who have yet to know Jesus are looking to God and His people for hope and comfort right now. Let’s collectively set our hearts on blessing our city more than ever before. Crazy Love is a place filled with kind, loving, and generous people. You are a blessing to this city. When you feel ready and it is naturally safe to be around others, ask the Lord how you can bless the city during this time. Listed below are a few ideas!

  • Purchase a gift card for a local family who will suffer from the school and businesses closing. The gift card can be for groceries, gas, etc., and should be dropped off to the Prospect Point office by this Thursday, 3/19. Heather is also happy to gather the gift cards and bring them at one time to the office; just send her a text at 509-301-3154.


  • Purchase a gift card from a local business to contribute to their revenue.

  • Grab take-out from a local restaurant.

  • Share groceries with neighbors or someone the Lord brings to heart, offer prayer as well when you do.


  • Consider financially donating to Crazy Love for people at Crazy Love who are financially impacted by the schools, colleges, and businesses that are closed down.


  • Pray the Lord’s Prayer over you, your friends, your family, Crazy Love, Walla Walla, and any nation the Lord puts on your heart.


  • Pray daily as an individual or with a friend or your family, on the ending of COVID-19, as well as God’s blessing, provision, and comfort over each person negatively impacted by this virus. Your prayers are powerful.


There are lots of other ideas that we know you have, so please feel free to share them with us here.

We fully believe the Holy Spirit is going to speak to us individually and collectively on how we can minister God’s amazing love and nearness to those in our city.


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All Content © 2023 by Crazy Love Church, Walla Walla, Washington
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