We are so glad you are here! It is no accident that God has put us together. This is a divine relationship intended by God, and we are excited to join our stories together for the greatest Story ever told—the sending of God’s Son that humanity might be redeemed. We invite you to take these next steps as you become an active participant in the story of Crazy Love and God’s missional story through Crazy Love!

Join Andrew and Heather Robinson, our senior leaders, for coffee or tea on a Sunday afternoon to connect and get to know each other. Email our church office to let us know you’re interested in the next tea time!
Join us we share the story of Crazy Love, our core values, and our dreams. Meet our staff and leaders as well. (And feel free to check out our vision and values, and statement of faith, if you’d like to know now!) Email our church office to let us know you’re interested in the next new people gathering.
The Triune God is a family, and he made a family! We are here as a family—a community—to support each other, encourage each other, and live life together in all of it’s joys and trials. This is the heart of our LifeGroups—a place for both discipleship and friendship. Click here to join a LifeGroup or Youth Group!
We encourage you to spend the first three to six months just enjoying and receiving from Crazy Love, getting to know people, and discovering the family that is Crazy Love. When you’re ready, we invite you to share your gifts and skills with the family. There are many opportunities to pour out your gifts at Crazy Love from greeting, to hospitality, to outreach, to justice, to worship, to ushering, to children’s ministry, and so much more! Please complete this volunteer application and one of our staff will be in touch with you.
We believe you as parents have one of the most foundational, powerful and wonderful jobs on Planet Earth: to raise children to know Jesus, His love, and His calling on their lives. At Crazy Love, we have a cultural value to raise up children in God’s kingdom. We believe there is no “junior Holy Spirit,” but that the same Spirit who is in you, is in them! We are here to care for, and equip, these little ones in whom Jesus said belongs the kingdom (Matt. 19:14). Please visit this page to learn more about our Kingdom Kid’s ministry!