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We desire to see Jesus hold the preeminent position in our church community. We value knowing God and desire to live as sons and daughters who understand the depths of His nature and love.

In response to the extravagant love shown to us by God, we are committed to enduring devotion to Jesus, growing in intimacy with God, and embrace loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We demonstrate this love in our pursuit of Him, worship, surrender to His Lordship, adoration and obedience to His commandments. We desire to reflect the nature and character of Jesus as we demonstrate His love in purity, holiness and integrity.

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We seek to be a community that honors the presence of God. We delight in His presence and welcome the Holy Spirit to freely move and dwell in our midst. We desire to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and be carriers of God’s presence, bringing His life-giving presence into every aspect and venue of life.

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We worship God because He is always and completely worthy of our affection and adoration. We seek to worship Him through His Spirit with hearts engaged, freely giving love to Him. We value voluntary extravagant worship. We give priority to intimate worship that expresses His heart and our appreciation and love for Him.

We desire to worship Him with humility, in the reality of who He is and in the way He prescribes. We seek to lift up His name that He would be enthroned on our praises. We worship with expectation that He will show up, be glorified and His kingdom will freely advance in our midst. We desire to daily walk in a spirit of worship offering ourselves to be an open door for His kingdom to advance in the earth.

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We value being a house of prayer for all nations, seeking to establish righteousness and justice in the earth, releasing the fullness of His presence, and beckoning the return of Jesus Christ.

We desire to see lives filled with prayer that esteems intimacy with Jesus where love for Him is expressed and His love is received. As a natural outflow of this intimacy and recognizing that God hears us when we pray, we desire to commune and dialogue with Him.

We value Scripture-based, Holy Spirit-led prayer and desire to agree with the promises He has spoken. We have an appreciation for a diversity of prayerful expression including devotion, thanksgiving, petition and intercession.

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Father God delights in speaking to His children and we earnestly desire to hear His voice and prophesy. We cherish listening to God and believe in cultivating this privilege in the life of every believer. We hold fast to the testimony of Jesus and join in chorus with Moses as he declared, “Oh, that all God’s people would prophesy.”

We value practicing prophetic protocol to keep us in the realm of love and affirm scripture’s role of prophecy to edify, exhort and comfort. We endeavor to create opportunities for the prophetic to flourish, allow individuals to grow in the prophetic and strengthen others through prophetic ministry.

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Jesus esteemed Scripture and “every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” – and so do we as His followers. We value Scripture as a letter from the heart of God inviting humanity into relationship with Him. We recognize its power to transform individuals and nations. We affirm it is a light to our path and a cleansing stream of truth, yielding fruitfulness, righteousness and holiness in our lives.

We find the Bible in its original text as absolutely reliable and wholly authoritative for our lives individually and corporately. We believe the Scriptures are the inspired Word of God. Every just decree, testimony, precept, commandment, verse and story in the Biblical Canon creates a unified whole that we find precious and valuable beyond measure. We give priority to practical biblical teaching with the goal of empowering and encouraging a closer walk with God.

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We seek to pursue and release all aspects of the kingdom of God in all that we do through the power of the Holy Spirit for the purpose of revival, transformation, healing, and salvation of our city, nation, and world.

We embrace God revealing His purposes through various signs and wonders. We believe in the practice and necessity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the working of miracles, and the joyful and supernatural filling of the power and presence of God in fulfilling this goal.

We seek revival culture becoming a regular part of our lives. God has shaped our nation through past outpourings, revivals, renewals, reformations, transformations and awakenings. He has done it before and He will do it again.

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We believe God pours out His Spirit on all flesh, and we are committed to equipping generations, the young and the old, to love God, love each other, and courageously carry out the exploits of heaven on earth.

We affirm that there is no junior Holy Spirit and desire to partner with Jesus to care for the next generation and empower them as a company of revivalists with relevant Holy Spirit-led ministry. This includes equipping and partnering with parents and families.

As a community divinely fit together, each part is vital. Youthful zeal and the wisdom of our fathers and mothers are embraced. We believe the longevity of a revival culture is in part due to honoring those who have gone before us.

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We value the liberty found in knowing Jesus and enjoyed under the Lordship of the Spirit. We desire to equip and empower each individual to live in their Christ-given identity, and in free relationship with God and each other.

We desire to create a safe place for people to be themselves by celebrating who people are, without stumbling over who they are not. We honor the Spirit that rests on their lives, their Spirit-given gifts, and the person that God Himself has fashioned.

As Jesus governs us with His ever-increasing government of love, we seek to emulate Him and protect these relationships and this culture of honor rather than establish a culture of rules.

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We are committed to growing in healthy relationships and learning to love each other as Christ loved. We endeavor to live in harmony with one another and keep ourselves united in the fellowship of God’s Spirit.

We are grateful that we are not alone in the pursuit to love God, but rather a part of His family, that with one voice we may glorify Him and run the race of faith together.

As a community, we look to the interests of one another, offering mutual encouragement and accountability. We value the sharing of our lives—the burdens along with the moments of celebration.

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We desire and have expectation for the transformation of individuals, our local community, neighborhoods, cities and nations. As people created in the image of God, we seek to be transformed through pursing God and beholding His face. We value transformation that may at times be instantaneous and at other times, a process.

We esteem being born again as Jesus describes in the Gospel of John. We posture ourselves to experience freedom in Christ and set others free through Jesus’ provision at the cross. We celebrate the full benefits of salvation and value healing of the whole person – body, mind and heart.

We believe for the wholeness of each believer and their deliverance from all oppression. We are grateful for the abundant life offered by Jesus in contrast to the loss, death and destruction inflicted by the kingdom of darkness. We esteem restored relationship to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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We desire to be disciples of Jesus, rather than of a teaching or culture. We want to follow Jesus relentlessly, being rooted in His love. We want to live in response to His love by seeking to emulate the Holy Spirit-directed life He modeled in relationship and submission to His Father.

We esteem the things Jesus celebrated including loving God, loving each other, listening to God’s voice, demonstrating faith, extending mercy, praying often, pursuing holiness, and caring for those in need.

We further esteem Jesus’ great commission to make disciples of all nations, baptize them and teach them to love God and observe all His commandments. As an outflow of this value, we foster several avenues of discipleship including preaching, teaching, practical demonstration of ministry, facilitating lifegroups, hosting conferences, conducting equipping school classes, gathering for nights of worship, and spending time in our prayer house.


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