As we all collectively process this new change to children’s school, extracurricular and church routines, we have created a list of ways to engage our kids spiritually during this time. While this season can potentially feel isolating, I believe there is a beautiful opportunity to slow down with our children and experience Jesus the Shepherd as the Psalmist did:
The Lord is my best friend and my shepherd.
I always have more than enough.
He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love.
His tracks take me to an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss.
That’s where he restores and revives my life. (Psalm 23: 1-3, TPT)
This list is by no means exhaustive, but maybe it will spark some ideas that fit you, your children and your lifestyle!
Have a Holy Spirit dance party! Rend Collective has a YouTube channel specifically for kids, our family likes this song by John Yarde, but any upbeat, rockin’ worship jam will work!
Go for a nature walk and thank God for as many kinds of trees, flowers, plants and animals you can see. You can also talk about the different nature-related metaphors used in scripture. Some examples are: building a house on the rock (Matthew 7:24-27), abiding in the vine (John 15), lilies of the field (Matthew 6:28), sparrows at the altar of God (Psalm 84:3), rivers clapping their hands (Psalm 98:8), mountains being thrown into the sea (Mark 11:23).
Pick a story from the bible and act it out using legos, play-doh, stuffed animals, only things you find outside, or yourselves! Or leading up to Easter, re-create Holy Week using legos. Bonus: film it and send it to us at contact@crazylovechurch.com
Memorize scripture and give daily prizes.
Pick a country, research the history of the church in that country, pray for believers & missionaries there. Find a recipe from that country & as you make it, pray for the children in that country. Here's a recipe for jerk chicken from Jamaica. Compassion International also has a page of recipes from around the world
Write and/or record a worship song. Bonus: film a music video! Send it to us!
Lifeline Children's Ministries has a free resource called Mission Kid 2020 which provides a week-long curriculum that explores life in a different country around the world (this year they are focusing on Liberia) and ways to bless and pray for kids, specifically orphans, in that country. You'll need to register for an account in order to access this resource.
Get a special prayer journal and pick a special spot in the house or the yard and spend time there every day journaling or writing out prayers to God.
Practice some of the practical exercises we learned during our series on “Hearing God’s Voice”:
Prophetic duck-duck-goose : Get a group together, have everyone close their eyes and secretly pick one person to be "it". Spend a few minutes listening as a group for what God might be saying for that anonymous person and then share. Finally reveal who the person is!
Banner exercise: “He brought me to the banqueting house and his banner over me was love” (Song of Solomon 2:4). Imagine a banner over your or your family member’s head. What color is it? What does it look like? Is there a word on it? What might God be saying to this person. Bonus: Create a piece of art using that color or create the banner and give it to the person.
A special place with Jesus: Imagine a green field, a river, a tree, and then imagine Jesus in the scene. Where is He? What is He saying? Use that special place with Jesus to talk to Him and to hear His voice.
Make a Bible quiz show and play it together.
Read Bible stories together. Take turns reading if possible!
Go for a prayer walk in a neighborhood! Nicole created a great worksheet to engage kids during prayer walks.