MARCH 18-19, 2022
You are invited to join us for our women’s retreat with special guest speaker, Lady Sandra Williams.
Lady Sandra is passionately known as “Lady San” and is a native of Seattle. She is known as a woman of prayer and lover of God’s Word, with a heart for praise and worship. Jeremiah 29:11—God’s plans for me are Good—is her life scripture for every season be it Single, Married, or Divorced. Her ministry scriptures are Isaiah 61:1 and Matthew 28:19. Her heart for women has been served as director of Women’s Ministry, host of “Single and Whole” radio talk show host, Women’s Prison ministry, Women’s Aglow, Shoebox College Students, and various community outreaches.
We are also excited to welcome Pacific Northwest singer and
songwriter, Dorcas Smith from "The Brown Sisters of Portland" as
our special guest worship leader!
We are so excited to hear what God has given her for our time together!
You can sign up by messaging us here with your YES and pay online here.