Perfect Love

We are beginning to see a small stream of the ministry of Jesus being poured out this year. Significant healings and several people making decisions to follow Jesus have already occurred. The flow is about to increase. Where we are going, we will need a fresh revelation of the love of God. The love of God is an inoculation for the things that are coming and a conduit of life for the place where we are going. Where we are going, we will need to be rooted and clothed in, operating, offering, testifying and abiding in His love.
Scripture speaks often to the nature of a fruitful relationship with God – endeavors that prosper, receiving what you ask for and being filled with fullness of God. These are the ones whose roots are founded in His love, the ones who abide in God’s love and the ones who venture deep into God’s love. The significance of lives abiding in the love of God is huge. The pursuit of God’s love is a worthy endeavor. We know that perfect love casts out fear. Think about how many daily decisions are made based on fear. What would our lives be like if we never made another decision based on fear but rather on love?
Currently we are beginning to see answers to Jesus’ prayer in John 17 in remarkable new ways. We are truly about to enter the new thing that Isaiah spoke of in Isaiah 43:19. Jesus prayed for unity, which is clear. He also prayed that the world would know that Father God had sent Jesus and that they would know that Father God loves His sons and daughters with the same love as He loves Jesus. Jesus then prays that God’s son and daughter would be filled with the same love for Jesus that Father God has for Jesus. Fulfillment of this prayer would be a modern day church quake, worldwide revival and global harvest.
God’s sons and daughter knowing the love of God is a priority of the Holy Spirit. One of His primary missions is to pour the love of God into our hearts, as Paul reminds us in Romans 5. I recently read a post by Jim Goll describing the Holy Spirit’s primary agenda arising right now in the body of Christ. He feels there is about to be a revolution of love and that love will become our aim. Considering that Jesus only prayed God’s will, and that His prayers will ultimately be fulfilled, Jesus’ prayers are a reality of things to come. We will indeed experience a love revolution before the return of Christ. I believe this revolution is upon us.